Conflict Management
In 2008, CPP Inc., publishers of the Myers-Briggs Assessment and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, commissioned a study on conflict in the workplace, and found that U.S. employees spent nearly 10% of their work week dealing with conflict. But conflict is inevitable, you might argue, so what’s the big deal? Well, it turns out the cost to American businesses is in the hundreds of billions of dollars each year in lost productivity. And that doesn’t count the cost of employees who up and quit.
Conflict usually involves the perceived incompatibility of interests between two
or more individuals, or groups, who are interdependent. In our full day training, your employees will learn how to effectively resolve issues, settle differences, and implement solutions. They will learn the different types of conflict, different styles and methods to use with each type, important questions to ask when developing a solution, and how to expand and improve your typical conflict management style.
Includes a Thomas-Killman Conflict Mode Instrument Assessment, full color workbook, and individual and group activities.